Combination	Nelson being engage in Cup tie on Saturday 
Team		first the Secretary reported that he was
		trying to fix with Hyde St. Georges but he had
		received no reply & it was resolved to give
		Second team a rest.

2/- Stand	The consideration of this motion was deferred
		to next meeting.

Motion re	Mr. Wright moved that the weekly meetings
Meetings in	be held every Tuesday evening at Goodison
Town 		Park but after discussions it was agreed &
		resolved that the day & hour of the meetings
		in town be altered to Tuesday at 3.45 &
		that the Secretary bring forward no business
		at such meeting save matters of urgency.

Wages of	Dr. Baxter gave notice that at the next
League Players  meeting he would move that those players
		taking part in League matches should 
		whilst so doing be uniformly paid the
		maximum wage.

Medals for	Dr. Whitford gave notice that at the next 
Gym proficiency meeting be would move that at the end of
		the season three medals be awarded to the
		three players showing greatest proficiency in
		Gymnastic exercises.

Roche		Mr. Clayton referred to this player at centre
		or inside right as improving.

Cooke		The Secretary reported this centre of Liscard
		as being good & desirous of a trial.

Next Meeting	Tuesday Decr. 1st at 3.45

Decr.		1903
				James C. Baxter