[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Novr. 10th 1903] Present Dr. Baxter (chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Clayton, Coates, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Whitford and Wright. Minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Reports by trainer & Doctor made & read. The matches at Sheffield & at home were reported upon. Team v Kitchen, Balmer, Murray, Wolstenholme, Sunderland Booth, Abbott, Sharp, McDermott, Corrin, Settle, Hardman with Sheridan Reserve. v Heywood Whitley, Wildman, R. Balmer, Taylor, Russell, Makepeace, Rankin, Sheridan, Dilly, O'Hagan, Simpson, McEwan Reserve Henderson to accompany team. Director to Heywood Mr. H. Wright. Asst. Trainer Resolved that Russell be asked to act as Assistant during Lofthouse's illness. Entertainment Resolved that this be further of players deferred. Templeton It being reported that this left half of Queens Park had come to reside in Manchester the Secy. was instructed to ask permission to approach him with a view to securing his assistance. Gymnasium A letter from the Manager of the Sandon School of Culture offering to equip a gymn as therein mentioned for £35 it was resolved to accept same & a committee consisting of Messrs Coates, Kelly, Kirkwood & Whitford, be appointed to make the arrangements necessary.