Belfast to secure the transfer of McCracken with free hand be confirmed save that Dr. Whitford take the place of Mr. Coates. The reports on the L'pool Everton and Everton Padiham matches were made. Lamb The Centre Half of the Brighton Albion was favorably reported upon. Taylor An application from Preston N. E. for the transfer of J. Taylor was declined. The Chairman reported that W. Balmer was considerably better. Team v Bury Kitchen, Balmer, Crelly, Wolstenholme Booth, Abbott, Sharp, McDermott, Young, Settle, Hardman with Gordon reserve. Bury Res. Whitley, Wildman, Murray, Chadwick, Russell, Makepeace, Rankin, Corrin, Dilly, Sheridan & Simpson, McEwan Reserve. Stonyhurst Dr. Baxter to select team. Directors to Bury Mr. Coates & Dr. Whitford. Wolfe The Secretary having reported that this player had attended & stated that he had been away to sea it was resolved that Wolfe be suspended sine die. Gas meter The Secretary having reported that the meter was defective. The matter was referred to the Ground Committee as also was the provision of goal sheets. Gymnasium The fitting of gymnasium was introduced by Dr. Whitford & the matter was adjourned for the general consideration of office & training accommodation. Letters were read from Jarrow F. C. & Levern Victoria F. C. recommending players & the secretary was instructed to reply.