Team v Scott, R. Balmer, Crelley, Taylor, Booth, Derby Abbott, Sharp, Makepeace, Young, Settle, Hardman with McLaughlin Reserve. v Nelson Collins, Hill, Wildman, Black, Chadwick, Donaldson, Birnie, Rankin, Quinn, Cooke, Butler. Directors to Derby Messrs Mahon & Bainbridge. Mrs. Farmer Having asked for the payment of the grant to enable her to purchase a business & enquiries having been made & it being ascertained that the business was unsound the Secretary was instructed to write to that effect. Mere Lane Land Mr. Wade introduced this matter which was deferred. Subsidy The subcommittee recommend that to Clubs the sum of £100 be placed in their hands for the purpose of making grants to such clubs in need of same as they may select & the same was approved. Geo. Mahon