[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel September 23 1903] Present Dr. Baxter (Chair) Messrs Coates, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Whitford & Wright. Minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Reports The trainer made his weekly report. The Drs. report was read. Reports were made on the League Combination & Friendly matches. Team v Aston Kitchen, Balmer, Crelly, Wolstenholme, Villa Booth, Abbott, Sharp, McDermott, Young, Settle, Hardman. v Leek Dent, Gordon, R. Balmer, Chadwick, Russell, Wildman, Rankin, Williams, Dilly, Corrin, Simpson. Directors to Dr. Baxter, Dr. Whitford, Messrs Kelly, B'gham Davies, Kirkwood, Mahon & Wright. Schofield An application from Manchester United for permission to Schofield to train here was granted. H. Williams This player having applied for a trial the Secretary was instructed to notify him that he was selected for Saturday. Blackpool F. C. An application for the loan of players was declined. Sheffield A. F. C. An application for Abbott & Settle to play in benefit match was declined. Proposed new A letter from the Corporation declining road to give an estimate was read & it was decided to make enquiries with a view to re erecting a permanent hoarding & in the meantime Mr. Kelly would get an estimate for the road making but after