Makepeace The Secretary reported his interview with Mr. E. Roper re Makepeace. The Secretary read further letter from Southampton declining to transfer Harrison. Belfast The Secretary was instructed to bring Young the journey to Belfast before next meeting. Team v Scott Bolton R. Balmer Crelley Wanderers Makepeace Booth Abbott Sharp Taylor Oliver Settle Hardman Bolton Wands Collins Reserve Wildman Hannan Black Chadwick Donaldson Birnie McLaughlin Dilly Cooke Grundy Director to Mr. Bainbridge. Bolton on Gate Dr. Whitford. Grundy Mr. Bainbridge was empowered to offer Grundy an engagement up to 30/ per week if satisfied with his display. Blanthorne This centre forward of Birkenhead being favorably reported on the Secretary was instructed to apply to them for permission to approach him with a view to a trial. The tenders of Tippin Bros. & Alcock &