Lanc. F.A. Dr. Baxter reported his interview with several Lanc. F.A. councillors re £20/- fine also his interview with Mr. Bentley re. Makepeace H. Makepeace. & he & Dr. Whitford reported the Inter League match & Spoke in very favorable terms Young of Young onside left of Linfield. Donaghy Donaghy inside right of Derby Celtic Sloan & Sloan Goal of Distillery & the Secretary was instructed to ask the clubs concerned if they would receive deputation & Messrs Baxter, Whitford & Kirkwood were deputed to go to Ireland. Reports The Doctors report was read. Elliott made his report. Chadwick, Dilly & Rankin appeared before the board & were spoken to about their indifferent displays. Messrs Kelly, Bainbridge & Kirkwood reported on the League match. Grundy The Secretary having promised a trial to H. Grundy (outside left Chirk) & Messrs Whitford & Kirkwood favorably reporting on his play at B'head it was decided to play him on Saturday v Stockport County. Team v Scott Stoke R. Balmer Crelley Makepeace Booth Abbott Sharp Taylor Oliver Settle Hardman Rankin to go.