from work was approved; the Secretary reported that the consent of the F. A. had been obtained. Practice The Secretary reported that the receipts Receipts for the practice games amounted to Aug. 21st £34.12.8 26th £85. 0.1 Whitley The Secretary reported that Whitley had expressed a desire to return to us but it was decided to decline same. Telephone It was decided to alter our Telephone No. No. from 13 to 63. Furnishing Messrs Davies, Kelly, Wright & the Secretary Board Rooms &c. were deputed to select furniture for the Boardroom & offices. Insurance Resolved we do not insure our of Players players. H. Hutchison Resolved that this players application for a free transfer be granted. Infirmary The Secretary's action in arranging for Southport our match v Central at Southport in Septr. 20th in aid of the Southport Infirmary was approved. The Secretary was instructed to pay Nicol £10.5.0 & Milward £15.