[Meeting of Directors held at Bradford
Hotel August 14th 1905.]
Present Jno. Davies Esq. (Chair)
Messrs Kelly
Minutes The minutes of last meeting also of Finance
and Ground Committees read & confirmed.
Gemmell The Secretary read letter from Sunderland
F. C. that Gemmell refused to agree to
come to us.
Kirwan The action of the deputation in closing
with Chelsea F. C. for £100 for Kirwan's
transfer was confirmed.
Roose In the absence of Dr. Baxter the Secretary
reported the interview of Friday last with
Roose in London, also read letter from Roose.
Complementary The Secretary was instructed to send
tickets 9 Complementary tickets to Threlfalls &
one to 'Bee' as heretofore.
Press tickets The following press tickets were granted.
Three each to Post & Courier, two each to Progr.
Field Porcupine & Athletic News & one each to
Sunday Chronicle, Umpire, Daily Mail, Fulton &
Collard, F. M. Harvey & Brooks Agency.
Detectives Also 7 tickets for detective staff.