Auditors fee of £42.7.10. Chairman Mr. G. Mahon was unanimously reelected Chairman & Mr. Jno. Davies Vice Chairman for the ensuing season. Committees Resolved that the committees be constituted as last season. Captain Tom Booth Vice do J. D. Taylor do 2nd W. McLaughlin " W. Wildman Benefits Resolved that subject to the permission of the F. A. a joint benefit be accorded to T. Booth & J. D. Taylor next season and that the Aston Villa match on Jany. 27th be set apart for that purpose. The Secretary was instructed to pay S. B. Ashworth £5.5.0 for his sketch of office &c. Rouse Messrs Clayton, Davies & the Secretary were deputed to go to Stoke with full powers as to the transfer of Rouse. The Secretary was instructed to write Glasgow Rangers as to Speedie & Kyle. Kirwan The Secretary read a letter from Chelsea F. C. offering £30 for the transfer of this player & failing our acceptance of that sum to ask the League to fix the amount, & it was resolved that this offer be not accepted.