[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park June 20th 1905.] Present G. Mahon Esq. (Chair) Messrs Bainbridge Baxter Clayton Davies Kelly Kirkwood Wade Whitford Wright Minutes The minutes of the past three meetings & of the Annual Meeting were read & approved. Bovril The Action of the Secretary in closing with Bovril for a term of £17.10.0 per annum for three years was confirmed. Kirwan The Secretary read letter from Chelsea F. C. offering £30 for Kirwan's transfer & if not accepted to leave it to the League to assess & it was resolved to ask the League to fix the price. Combination Mr. Davies & the Secretary were deputed fixtures to attend the Fixtures Meeting on the 24th. Practice It was resolved to allot the "gates" to the Matches same charities as last year. Auditors The Secretary was instructed to pay the