[Annual Meeting of Shareholders held at the Exchange Hotel Friday June 16 1905.] George Mahon Esq. Presiding. The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting. Press Resolved that the Press be admitted. Balance The Chairman proposed and Dr. Baxter Sheet seconded & it was resolved that the Balance sheet be taken as read. Auditors The Secretary read the Report by the report Auditors to the Shareholders. Chairman's The Chairman reviewed the season's work Report and the position of the club and after- wards moved & Mr. Davies seconded that the Report Balance Sheet and Statement of a/cs be approved and passed and after two queries had been put by Share- holders and replied by the Chairman it was unanimously carried. Dividend Mr. Bainbridge proposed & Mr. Kelly seconded that a dividend of 5% on paid up capital be paid & same was carried. Election of Mr. J. Y. Paterson proposed Mr. R. Wilson Directors seconded and it was unanimously carried that Messrs Bainbridge, Davies & Mahon be re-elected to the Directorate.