professional it was resolved that we regret our inability to engage him. Post Sunlight The Sec. reported that this match had now been arranged to commence at 4 p.m. Bill The Sec. reported that P.N.E had not yet paid the transfer fee for this player. Bath tickets The Secretary was instructed to obtain 6 dozen salt water bath tickets. Signed Septr 1st 1903. B. Kelly [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Septr. 1st 1903.] Present B. Kelly Esq. (chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Kirkwood and Whitford. Minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed after which it was resolved that the meeting be convened as "emergency". Reports The Trainer made his report. The Drs. report was read. The Secretary was instructed to purchase 100 bath tickets at 25/- per 100. Simpson Resolved that Simpson be allowed to play for Heywood C.C. on Saturday next & if possible on the Saturday following. Resolved that a Complementary ground ticket be sent to Sergt. Jolling. Transfer of Elizth. Heaseman to Wm. Miller. shares 6 shares Nos. 1101 and 2040 - 44 James Parker to Walter Parker 3 shares 1564 - 6. Charles Kitson to Wm. W. Maver 3 shares 523-5 and one fully paid 2327