G. Farmer The Secretary read a letter of thanks from Mrs Farmer. Reports The Annual Meetings of the League & F.A. were reported, also the postponement of the fixtures meeting & the same deputation was appointed to attend at Manchester on Saturday next. Stringfellow, With reference to the following transfers Kirwan, the Secretary was instructed to use Hutchison, his own judgment with regard to Dawson, the amounts to be accepted but a minimum Hanlin, of £100 & £150 was placed upon Stringfellow Caldwell & Kirwan respectively. S. B. Ashworth The Secretary reported his interview with Ashworth re his charges for work &c. on ground that S. B. Ashworth would require 5% on Contract price 2½ from Contractor on quantities & would leave it to the Board to assess a value on his plan of proposed office &c., it was resolved that S. B. Ashworth be paid 5% as stated less payments made to him on a/c together with £5.5.0 for his sketches of proposed office. Annual Resolved it be held on Friday the Meeting 16th inst. at Exchange Hotel. The Secretary was instructed to pay Messrs H. Kelly & Bro. the sum of £100 if Mr. Ashworth certified for same.