That £170 be reserved in the present a/cs against the anticipated loss on Continental tour. Combination The Secretary was instructed to represent Specl. Mtg. the Club at the Meeting at Bolton this evening. Transfer of W. D. Williams to Mr. H. Hudston Shares 1 fully pd 2340 & one partly paid 1341 shares passed. Referees for The Secretary read out a list of referees League (34) and selections were made for nomination. Lloyd Davies The Secretary reported having received opinions of this player mostly unfavorable & it was resolved to proceed no further. Bovril & Oxo Tenders for sale of these condiments on the ground for next season being received the Secretary was instructed to intimate to Bovril that an offer by them of £20 would secure the privilege to them, otherwise Oxo's tender to be accepted. Black & The Secretary reported the payment of Hannen £355 to the Celtic for the transfer of Black & Hannen which was confirmed as was the bonus of £10 & £4 per week to Black. F.A. Lanc. The Secretary reported the receipt of F.A. receipt cheques for £1257.14.3 & £35.12.1 from the F.A. & Lanc. F.A.