tickets would be discontinued after this year. Insurance The Secretary having read quotations for insurance it was resolved that we take our own risk. Press Tickets Resolved that no press tickets beyond those issued last season be issued. Bailey The application of this gateman was refused. Hoarding Mr Coates letter on this matter being read and the discussion reported it was resolved to again write the Rev. Tyrer for a reply to our letter. Assistant on Mr. Kelly An application from H. Barker Gates for the position of assistant on gates being read & Mr. Kelly having stated that the late assistant H. Percival would be unable to continue it was resolved that H. Barker be appointed subject to the receipt of a satisfactory reference from Canon Leigh. O Hagan Mr. Wright having reported an enquiry for this player from North End the Secretary was instructed to write them & to put the question of transfer of players on the agenda for next meeting. Comply Resolved that Complementary tickets be sent Tickets to Inspector Brydon, Sergt Burk & Mr. Bucknall Free Fixture The Secretary having read letter from Mr. Cards Brookfield hereon it was decided not to entertain same. Hardman The Secretary having reported that a season ticket for this player would cost £17.18 for 6 months it was decided not to proceed. Geo. H. Lamb This left full back having applied for position as a