Bank Breck Road it being an instruction to the Manager to pay same out in weekly instalments not exceeding 15/- per week. b) That the proceeds of a Combination match at Goodison Park early in the forthcoming season be applied to the benefit of the widow and children. c) That representations be made to the several Associations with a view to obtaining a ground out of the benevolent funds. Telephone pole The question of the removal of the telephone pole at St. Lukes Road was left with Mr. Kelly. The Secretary was instructed to pay Wright's expenses 50/-, 28/- Makepeace's Board & 10/- Drs. bill. The payment of £5 to S. B. Ashworth was approved. Combination The Secretary was instructed to nominate Referees the following as Combination referees Messrs J. McGill J. G. Randles A. Lomax T. E. Hargreaves E. Turner This player applied for the reduction of his transfer fee & the same was reduced to £25. H. Thorburn The Secretary of the League wrote enclosing an