[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park
May 23rd 1905.]
Present G. Mahon Esq. (Chair)
Mr. E. A. Bainbridge
Dr. Baxter
Mr. J. Davies
W. R. Clayton
B. Kelly
Dr. Whitford
Mr. A. R. Wade
Mr. Kirkwood on club business.
Minutes The minutes of the last two meetings
were read & confirmed.
Lloyd Davies The Secretary reported this player's
application for an engagement; his inter-
view with the player & it was decided to
leave the matter over for the next meeting
the Secretary in the meantime to make
further enquiries.
Combination The Secretary reported that our club was
Annl. Meeting fined for non attendance at the Annual
Meeting of the Combination & that he had
paid the fine 21/- & this was confirmed.
George Farmer The Board decided that it was expedient
deced. to recognize in a tangible form the
services rendered by the late Geo. Farmer
as a player of our club & it was resolved
a) That a sum of £10 be placed to the
credit of the widow in the North Western