[A meeting of Directors was held at the Bradford Hotel on Monday 8 May 1905.] Present Mr. Geo. Mahon (Chair) " Davies " Kirkwood " Wright Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed. Hy. E. Cooke Mr. Kirkwood reported that he had signed on Hy. E. Cooke at £1 per week for winter & summer. Robt. Wright Mr. Wright reported that Robert Wright, a centre half from Sittingbourne, and Percy Hill, Percy Hill a right full back from Southampton district, had signed professional forms, the former at £2 summer & £2.10 winter and the latter at £3 per week all the year round. Both with the £10 bonus for signing. Kelly (Orrell) It was decided to take the necessary steps to secure Kelly the Orrell goal Keeper for next season. Oliver (c.f.) Mr. Kirkwood was asked to get Oliver, the Brentford centre forward, to come to Liverpool with the view of engaging him for next season. Sittingbourne F.C. A postal card from the Sittingbourne F.C. dated re Birnie 4 May 1905 was read asking for our cheque for Birnie's transfer. Mr. Wright was instructed to send it.