[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, August 25th, 1903] Present Jno Davies Esq. (Chair), Messrs Kelly, Kirkwood, Whitford and Wright. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Reports The Trainer made his report and the Secy. reported that the Dr. had nothing to say. Simpson The Secretary having read letters from the Hon. Treasr. of the Heywood C.C. and from Simpson and that he had asked Simpson to come down at once but had given him permission to return to play cricket on Saturday next the Secretary's action was confirmed and he was instructed to require Simpson to come here on the 31st inst. Trial Game The Secretary Reported that a team of locals had been selected to play Versus the combination team tomorrow Wednesday night at 6 o'c. and that a private practice game was fixed for Friday morning next at 11 am. Dr. Jones a/c The Secretary having read further letter hereon it was resolved that the reduced a/c of £ 2.2.0 be paid. Team v Kitchen, Balmer, Crelly, Wolstenholme, Blackburn R. Booth, Abbott, Sharp, McDermott, Young, Settle, Hardman. v Rovers Res. Whitley, Henderson, Murray, Chadwick, Russell, Makepeace, Rankin, Simpson, Dilly, Sheridan, Corrin. Drors to Blackburn Dr. Whitford, Mr. kelly. Threlfalls Resolved that tickets be sent as last tickets year & that the Sec intimate that in all probability the distribution of complementary