[A meeting of Directors was held at the Bradford Hotel on Monday 1 May 1905.] Present Mr. Geo. Mahon (Chair) " Clayton " Davies " Kirkwood " Wright Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed. Geo. Kitchen Geo. Kitchen appeared before the Committee and explained his position but in view of the decision come to by the full board it was decided to put him on the Transfer List at £300. In the event of his not having signed for another club when the Directors return from the Continent he was at liberty to make another application to us. Hy. E. Cooke Mr. Kirkwood was instructed to sign Hy. E. Cooke of Liscard on a professional form up to £1 per week all the year round. Illuminated Mr. Horace Wright read a letter from The Football address to League intimating that it was decided to present Mr. Sidney an illuminated address from the Management Committee and the Clubs comprising the League to Mr. Sidney on his retiring from the position of senior Vice-president. The cost to be defrayed out of the funds of the League and the address to bear the names in autograph form of the