papers were in order. Plested This centre forward having applied for a trial it was resolved to give him one on Saturday. Lee This right back of Ashton Town being favorably commented upon Mr. Kirkwood volunteered to obtain some information as to his age &c. Team v Small Roose Heath Balmer Crelley Makepeace Booth Abbott Rankin Taylor Young Settle Hardman v Stalybridge Kitchen Wildman McCartney Hanlin Chadwick Hutchison Roberts McLoughlin Plested Maguire Yendell Dilly & Caldwell to go. Dirors. to St'bridge Messrs Clayton & Wright. Transfer of R. B. Sunter to C. E. Dickinson Shares 3 15/- paid 164 6/8 passed. Re-engagement The following resolutions were passed of players Scott to be re-engaged. Kitchen to be deferred. McCartney to be deferred. Wildman up to 50/- all year round. R. Balmer 70/- all year round. Dilly 50/- all year round.