[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park April 7th 1905.] Present G. Mahon Esq. (Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Baxter, Davies, Kirkwood, Wade, Whitford & Wright. The meeting having been convened for the purpose of discussing the plans of the proposed new offices & the St. Lukes Rd. boundary wall it was resolved that a/ Mr. Davies be appointed chairman. b/ That the office be removed from the present site to another to be selected. c/ That a stand be erected on the site of the present office connecting the stands on the north and south sides thereof & that the details of the stand be left with the Ground Committee to bring up before the Board for approval, S. B. Ashworth to at once prepare such plan. d/ That the necessary addition to the stand at the north end of Goodison Road occasioned by the building of St. Lukes Rd. boundary wall hereinafter mentioned be shown in such plan. e/ That the Boundary wall as shown in the plan be approved & that the work be proceeded with forthwith. f/ That an office be erected fronting to & at the South West (Goodison Rd.) end of the ground. S. B. Ashworth to submit a sketch to the Board. A/cs The following A/cs were passed for payment :- J. W. Morton 2/6, W. C. Nicholas 9/6, J. Moore -/9, J. Sharp 5/18/, Bushell & Co. 3/12/, Allen 10/8/4, McCall 9/9/6, Mappin 2/18/6,