v Ashton			Kitchen
			Wildman		Keir
		Hanlin		Booth		Chadwick
		Roberts  Caldwell  Dilly  McLoughlin  Yendall

Dirors. to Stoke Mr. Mahon.

Nomination to League Management Committee	Dr. Baxter.

		The Secretary read the list of Lanc.
		Cup dates for Season 1906/ & it was
		resolved to enter the Cup Competition.

Propd. Alterations Mr. Ashworth produced plans of St.
		Lukes Rd. & office alterations & after
		discussion it was decided to bring the
		matter before the full Board on Friday
		at 3.30.

		The payments of £27.6.0 to Sharp, Settle,
		Kitchen & Abbott respectively, the balance
		of benefit moneys was confirmed.

					Geo. Mahon