Woolwich. A. The Secretary reported that he was awaiting Woolwich decision as to playing here in the 21st prox. & that to assist in that direction he had offered to pay their hotel expenses & this was confirmed. Graham The Secretary reported that the price of this players transfer was £150 & it was decided to see him play again. The Secretary to ascertain where he could be seen play on the 1st prox. Team v Villa To be selected here on Thursday 5.45. & Sport Central v Nelson Kitchen Wildman McCartney Hanlin Chadwick Dilly Roberts McLoughlin Thorburn Caldwell Evans The Ground Committee were requested to meet here at 10.30am on Thursday. It was resolved that in case of draw on saturday the team return home & go to Nottingham on Tuesday. Directors in Mr. Mahon & Mr. Davies. Charge The date of meeting was left over. The Secretary reported that Bolton Wanderers would pay £15 to play our postponed game on Good Friday at Bolton. The Secretary was instructed to pay S'Hampton.