[Emergency Meeting of the Directors held at the Bradford Hotel March 13th 1905] Present G. Mahon Esq. (Chair) Messrs Baxter, Clayton, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Wade, Whitford & Wright. Mr. Bainbridge on club business. Oliver Messrs Clayton, Wade & Wright reported their visit to Bangor and that the Bangor club would accept £150 for Oliver's transfer and that Oliver would accept £3 per week and it was resolved that the Secretary wire accepting this offer & ask that the player be sent here tomorrow Tuesday. Bolton The Secretary reported that Bolton Wanderers Wanderers had offered us £10 to play our postponed Combination match at Bolton on Good Friday & it was resolved to ask for £15 but to accept £10 if no better terms could be obtained. Notts Forest The Secretary reported that Notts Forest & Woolwich had accepted his offer of £150 to play our postponed League match at Notts on April 5th but that this morning Woolwich had declined to play here on Easter Monday & it was resolved that Whilst confirming the Secretary's action the Secretary endeavour to arrange for Woolwich to play here on the 24th April before closing with Forest for Apl. 5 & Arsenal for April 22nd. The Secretary obtained the consent of the Directors to allow his name to go for adoption as a