[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel Februrary 7 1905] Present G. Mahon Esq. (Chair) Messrs Baxter, Clayton, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Wade, Whitford & Wright, Mr. Bainbridge away on club business. Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed. Reports Resolved that the question of engagement of Graham & Morton be deferred to next meeting. Dr. Whitford reported on 1st team Lofthouse reported on remainder. Team v same as on saturday. L. Pool Tour The Secretary having read an offer from Vienna of £500 for the tour without any sharing in the proceeds it was resolved that £600 be asked. Training Resolved we do not send the team away this week. West Brom Resolved that a donation of ten guineas be sent to West Bromwich F. C. Shares J. H. Battley to Edw. Clark. 1 fully paid 21/6 & 2 part paid 1027/8 passed. The meeting then stood adjourned to tomorrow.