v L'pool Roose Balmer Crelley Makepeace Taylor Abbott Sharp McDermott Young Settle Hardman Resolved we play L'pool Reserve here on Saturday. L'pool Res. Scott Wildman Balmer Hanlin Chadwick Littleton Rankin McLoughlin Roberts Dilly Evans Resolved for 1st team Rankin outside & halfback McLoughlin inside & R. Balmer back. Roche Resolved we give this player no further trial. The Secretary was instructed to request the Management Committee to refrain from appointing Mr. F. Bye to officiate at any of our matches. L'pool Police An application for the ground on July A Socy. 1st at £50 was granted subject to any damage being made good by us at their expense. Hospital An application for the ground for a Saturday Fund musical festival was granted. Chester The Sec. reported gross receipts £26.3.8.