Season The Secretary was authorised to grant Tickets Season tickets for the remainder of the Season at half the usual prices. The Secretary reported the receipt of an enquiry by the League as to the reason of commencing the match on the 24th ult. with ten players. Robins fund A letter of thanks & stating that the recent collection realized £12.3 11½ was read. The Secretary reported that the gross gate receipts of the L'pool Everton Cup tie at Anfield on the 2nd inst were £643.4.10. J. Gray The Secretary was instructed to ascertain from Villa F. C. the price of J. Gray left half back. Also to pay to Mr. J. McLaren the dividend due on Miss Moreton's shares for 1902/3. 7/6. Director to Sheffield Messrs Whitford & Wade " to Southport re Danson, Messrs Bainbridge & Kirkwood. Geo Mahon