St. Lukes Rd.	The question of this road was left with the
		Ground Committee together with the question 
		of tanks for dressing rooms.

Irish F. A.	The Secretary read letter from Irish F. A.
		re Scott & the International Match at  
		Middlesbro on 25th. Feby. & his reply thereto	
		which was confirmed.

Echo Fund	An application for a match in aid of
		this fund was declined.
Signed	Jany. 3 '05
				Geo. Mahon

Meeting of Directors held Dec. 31 at Goodison Park

Present		G. Mahon Esq. (chair), Messrs Bainbridge, Baxter,
		Clayton, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Wade, Whitford &

v L'pool	Scott, Balmer, Crelley, Ashworth,
		Taylor,	Abbott, Rankin, McDermott,
		Young, McLoughlin & Hardman.

v S'port Centl.	Dent, Wildman, Balmer, Hanlin,
		Booth, Chadwick, McAdam, Caldwell,
		Roberts, Dilly, Evans,
		Kitchen & Ritchie to go.

		The Secretary was instructed to arrange
		for taking players & officials to Bolton
		on Tuesday. Mr. Kirkwood in charge.
					Geo. Mahon