[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, Decr. 20th 1904.] Present G. Mahon Esq. (Chair), Messrs Baxter, Clayton, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Wade Whitford & Wright. Minutes The minutes of last meeting & of finance meeting were read & confirmed. Twigg The Secretary reported that Gainsboro had promised to write us re this player. Reports The Drs. report was read. Elliott & Lofthouse made their reports. Messrs Clayton & Wright reported the Combination match. The Chairman reported the match at Small Heath. Humphreys Messrs Kelly & Kirkwood reported that this player was unsuitable. McDermott The Secretary reported that he had McDermott's consent to pay to Mrs. McDermott £2 weekly out of his moneys in our hands during his suspension. Team v Roose M'chester City Balmer Crelley Makepeace Taylor Abbott Sharp McLoughlin Young Settle Hardman.