was informed that he & Elliott must devise means of obtaining better results from the Combination players & having offered suggestions as to training &c. it was intimated that a greater amount of responsibility would be vested in him for the better form of the 2nd team. Team v Roose Small Heath Balmer Crelley Makepeace Taylor Abbott Sharp McLoughlin Young Settle Hardman v Accrington Kitchen Stanley Wildman McCartney Hanlin Chadwick Ritchie Roberts Rankin McAdam Dilly Evans Directors to Bgham Mr. Mahon Humphreys Messrs Kelly & Kirkwood were deputed to see this centre half (Chorley) play at St. Helens on Saturday next. Kay (Nelson) Messrs Bainbridge & the Secretary Chadwick (Darwen) were deputed to go into the recommendation Green (Stockport C.) of these players & report. End of The consideration of this item was Season tour deferred as also were several applications for trials. Letters The Secretary read enquiry from Woolwich (a) if we would play our replayed League