Reports The Doctors report was read. The Trainer made his weekly report. Thorburn being reported broken down. Dr. Baxter & Whitford were requested to see him. Mr. Davies & Mr. Kelly reports match at Darwen. Team v Roose Woolwich Balmer Crelley Ashworth Taylor Abbott Sharp McDermott Young Settle Hardman Makepeace to go as reserve. v Rossendale Kitchen Wildman R. Balmer Hanlin Chadwick Hutchison Rankin McLoughlin Finnigan Thomas Evans Fulham to be selected by Directors in London. Directors to Messrs Mahon, Davies, Baxter, Bainbridge, Woolwich Davies, Kelly & Wade. Wolstenholme The Secy reported. Receipt of cheque for £612 from Rovers That Combn. gate at Anfield was £179.18.6. Fleming & Reid The Secy. having read letter asking for £15 for loan of these players & £40 & £60 transfer fees if satisfactory he was instructed to offer to each player £10 & fares & to get best terms he could from club. Ex. Supt. Welsh This application for ticket was declined.