[Meeting of Directors held at Hotel Victoria New Brighton August 5th 1903.] Present Dr. Baxter (Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Clayton, Coates, Kirkwood, Whitford & Wright. Assistant The Secretary read out names of the Trainer applications & after discussion the following were selected to appear at the next meeting. F. Joyce 8 Radnor Place, Tuebrook J. Lofthouse 16 Paradise Lane, Blackburn J. Mullin 25 Howarth St Darwen R. Henson Aldershot Practice Resolved that the Public Practice Match Match be held on Saturday August 22nd. Trial game The Secretary was instructed to arrange two teams for trial game on Tuesday evening August 11th. The Secretary read letter from Stoke F. C. declining to state reason for refusing to transfer S. Ashworth. The Secretary also read the notice of Statutory Meeting of F. A. Ltd. Hospital A request for permission to collect at our Saty. Fund Practice match was granted subject to the permission of the F. A. being obtained. August 11th 1903 James C. Baxter