written the League re his transfer & that he had given the League the facts. Dent The Secretary read letter from Dent. Thorburn The Secretary was instructed to pay the a/c of £3.15.0 for 15 visits by Thorburn to West of Scotland Electro Medical Institute. Signed Novr 22 1904. Geo Mahon [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Novr 22nd 1904] Present G. Mahon. Esq (Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Clayton, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Wade & Whitford. Minutes The minutes of the last meeting & of Finance Meeting were read & confirmed. C. F. Evans The engagement of C. F. Evans at 25/- per week with a payment of £21 for his discharge from the army was confirmed Finnigan The terms of Broxburn's letter re this player were accepted. L. R. Roose The signing of L. R. Roose on the terms of the Secretary's wires & Mr. Clayton's arrangements was confirmed.