E. Green The Secretary read letters from Glossop & Green & it was decided to transfer him for £25. Transfer of Mr. Wade moved & it was decided to Players offer Hanlin, Hutchison & Caldwell for transfer. F. W. Dent The Secretary reporting that Dent had removed to Harrogate it was resolved to retain him, play him more frequently & pay his necessary expenses & the Secretary was instructed to pay his a/c of 26/- expenses incurred. Food & Bettermt. Resolved we grant the application Assocn. to collect here on the 19th inst. for the funds of the Assocn. Davies Messrs. Davies & Bainbridge were deputed to visit Wrexham on Saturday next to see Davies play. Elston This amateur having applied for his League transfer to North End The Secretary was instructed to sign same. Fleming Reid Fleming & Reid (West Calder Swifts) Finnigan Centre forward & Outside left being reported Brindley very good players also Finnigan (C. F. Broxburn) & Brindley (outside left Hutton) The Secretary was instructed to arrange for them to come here on trial.