(T. Smith) Wm Balmer having strongly reported on this centre forward it was resolved that if he applied for a trial that he have one on Saturday next. (Evans) The Secretary reported that this player was a registered League Amateur for L'pool & that it was with Liverpool's consent that he was playing for us : that he wanted 50/- per week & buying out of the Army & that the probable cost would be £21. Team v Scott Notts Forest Balmer Crelley Ashworth Taylor Abbott Sharp McDermott Young Settle Hardman. Team v Kitchen Accgton Stanley Wildman R. Balmer Makepeace Chadwick M'Cartney Rankin McLoughlin Smith Caldwell Evans. Director to Accrington Mr. A. R. Wade. Bullens Rd The Secretary reported the receipt of a/c for making Bullens Rd showing our proportion of the Cost to be £396.15.5 & on the recommendation of the Ground Committee it was resolved that it be paid. Income tax The Secretary reported that we were assessed of £1064 for income tax made up:-