[Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel November 1st 1904.] Present Messrs Geo. Mahon Esq. (Chair) Bainbridge, Clayton, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Wade, Whitford & Wright. Minutes The minutes of the last two meetings were read & confirmed. Reports The Secretary read the Drs report. The Secretary made the report re training. Lofthouse was reported absent: ill. Mr. Bainbridge reported on the Combn. match v Rovers. Dr. Whitford & others reported on League match at Blackburn. Mr. Bainbridge reported his visit to (Kyle) Sheffield re Kyle & the Secretary was instructed to remind the Rangers of his previous enquiry re this player. Mr. Wright reported unfavorably re (Wood) Wood (Port Sunlight) but favorably (Copes) of Copes (O/R Kidderminster Rovers) & the Secretary was instructed to bring this players name before next meeting. (Davies) Mr. Davies reporting favorably upon Davies (cf of Wrexham) Messrs Davies & Wright were deputed to see him play on Saturday next. (Littleton) Mr. Wright reported on this player : the Secretary also reported having signed him on League form & it was decided to keep him in view.