Grapes Hotel would be 8/6 per day but nothing
further was decided for the present.
Dinner Resolved that a Dinner be given to the
players on Wednesday the 5th prox. & that it
be held at the Victoria Hotel New Brighton
or at Heyes Restaurant Southport. The
Chairman to make arrangements.
Next meeting Immediately before dining.
McAdam Resolved that this centre forward have a
Dickson A letter from this Secretary (Levern Victoria
F. C.) asking for subscription being read the
Secretary was instructed to say that we
would see how Murray progressed before
Asst. Trainer The Secretary having read two applications
for this post he was instructed to advertise
in Athletic News stating salary &c.
F. A. Ltd. The Secretary read letter from F. A. that
it was not necessary for us to nominate
a person to hold our share in that Co.
Transfer of Hugh Mullins to Herbert Allman.
Shares 1 Free 2364 and one 15/- pd. No. 306
Thos. Jarrett to D. B. Redford
3 15/- paid 2021 - 2023
Jas Lee Hopwood to F. W. Maver.
1 Free 2297 and two 15/- paid 985 and 986
Edward Barlow to John Lorrimer
Ten partly paid shares No. 1988 to 1997
Insurance The Secretary was instructed to ask the
General Accident Insurance Corporation Ltd.
for terms of insurance.
August 11 1903. James C. Baxter