[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel October 18th 1904] Present G. Mahon Esq. (chair) Messrs Baxter, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Wade, Whitford & Wright. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Reports The Doctors report was read. The Trainer made his weekly report. The Chairman reported on the match v Bury. The Directors present reported on the Match v Bury Reserve. Penman Messrs Whitford & Kirkwood reported their visit to Leith & that Penman was not in their opinion the article we sought but that Horne (O. L.) & Gilray (O. R.) of Cowdenbeath were good. Mr. Wade & the Secy. reported their visit to Hamilton to see Adams (Clyde) play & that they could not recommend him. McKenzie It was also reported that nothing under £500 or £600 would tempt 3rd L. R. V. to part with McKenzie & that the deputation had learnt that he was not worth nearly that amount. Kyle The Secretary was instructed to ask Robertson for his opinion of Kyle. Booth The Secretary read a letter from Booth. Roose The Secretary reported that stoke had