same at Stationers Hall. Next meeting at Bradford Hotel Tuesday next at 4.15. Signed Oct. 4 1904 Geo. Mahon [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel Tuesday Octr. 4 1904] Present G. Mahon Esq. (chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Baxter, Clayton, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Wade & Whitford. Minutes of last meetings were read & confirmed. Reports By Doctor on health of players and by Doctor re Tom Booth were read by Trainer as to condition of men: by Secretary that he had transferred. Sheridan to Stoke for £250 : that the cheque for £325 had been paid : that McDermott had absented himself from training on Wednesday & Thursday: by the deputation on Middlesbro game by the Directors on the Stockport game. McDermott McDermott was called in and severely censured by the Chairman for his neglect of training &c. & the Secretary was instructed to speak to Mr. Maley on Monday as to his transfer.