L. R. Roose The Secretary reported that Roose had informed Ashworth that he would like to be in a position to play for our League team whenever required & he was instructed to say that if Stoke would give him permission we would gladly avail ourselves of his services. Stonyhurst Resolved we send our League team to Stonyhurst on Octr. 11th. Hoardings The Secretary read a letter from David Allen & Sons re Hoarding & it was referred to the Advertising Sub Committee. McLoughlin The Sec. read letter from McLoughlin also from Stoke re inside forwards & it was resolved to offer Sheridan for £250 with minimum of £200. Linfield Also from Linfield & it was resolved not to pay more than £31.7.0. Dixon Also from Barnsley & it was decided to allow them to play him on trial & if suitable to require the transfer fee fixed. Centre forwards Messrs Davies, Kirkwood & Wade were appointed to ascertain suitable men for centre forward & to report. Dr. Wright It was decided that we could not grant Dr. Wright's application for increase of stipend. Messrs Derby These applications for Complementary & Brydon tickets were declined. Design Mr. Wright reported that he could Fixture Card not register design but had entered