Motion re This was deferred to the Day & Hour of Meeting next meeting of full board. McLoughlin The Secretary was instructed to go to Scotland to endeavour to secure this player. Nomads An application for the use of our ground on Jany. 2nd was granted if L'pool did not object. Also it was decided to try & arrange a game Combination & Nomads. The Secretary read A letter of thanks from Hospital Fund from Mr. Markey recommending a player Of thanks from Notts F.A. for donation from J. Cameron that he did not think Badger would play a trial for us. Transfer of W. C. Cuff to W. Goodge Shares 3 shares 203/5 part paid. Patrick Collins to Jas. & Francis Riley 6 shares 998/1002 & one 2373. passed. Next Meeting Tuesday at Goodison Park. Signed Sep. 13 '04 Geo. Mahon Chairman