[Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel August 30 1904] Present W. R. Clayton Esq. afterwards Jno. Davies Esq. (chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Kelly, Kirkwood, Wade, Whitford & Wright. Minutes The minutes of last meeting & of last Finance Meeting were read & confirmed. The alteration of the Linfield Match from the 1st to 5th prox was approved. Whitley The Secretary reported offer by Stoke of £200 for this players transfer that the Stoke Secretary was expected at this meeting & it was resolved that £400 afterwards altered to £350 be the minimum price accepted for this player's transfer. Hull F.C. The Secretary's action in arranging this match of Hull on the 10th prox. on half gross gate terms with a guarantee of £25 was confirmed. Billposting The Secretary reported that his offer to enter into an agreement with Messrs Allen for tenancy of Hoarding for 10 years at present rental & to give them 250 bills to post on selected stations for a similar period at present rates was submitted to Messrs Allen's representative & appeared to be satisfactory but as yet no actual agreement had been signed pending the confirmation by his principals. McAdam The Secretary's action in signing on McAdam at £2 per week was approved. Thorburn The Secretary reported Thorburn's request