		& that Stoke had refused to transfer Ashworth
		to us and that I presumed that Ashworth
		would bring the matter before the League.

Stanley C. C.	Having asked permission to play a match
		v Footballers on our ground & to make a
		charge for admission for their benefit, it
		was resolved that we could not accede
		to their request for the use of the ground
		but that we would select a team to play
		a match on any other ground they might obtain.

Edwards		Mr. Coates mentioned Edwards the centre
		forward of L'pool Leek as a good man.

Jenkyns		This player a right wing forward having
		applied for an engagement it was resolved
		that he receive a trial & that the opinion
		of the Villa F. C. (for whom he had played) be

W. J. Harris	The Secretary having reported that this
		gentleman whose tender for painting &c had
		been accepted desired a little longer time
		than August 7th it was resolved that he be
		allowed until the 8th August to complete, the
		penalty being £5 per week for default.

Nominee for	Resolved that Dr. Baxter as chairman be
Share in F. A. Ltd. nominated to hold share in F. A. Ltd. on behalf
		of the Club, if necessary for any nominee.

Season ticket	Resolved that cloth tickets be obtained —
		the same number as last year and that tenders
		be invited.

Fixture Card	This matter was placed in Mr. Wright's hands
		to bring up before next meeting.

Finance Meeting	July 21st at 6 o’clock.

Next meeting	July 21st at 6.45 pm.

Return of players Resolved that the players be ordered to be here