at a premium of £82.10.0 the matter was deferred to the next meeting for enquiries to be made as to the standing of the Co. F. J. Cox. A letter of complaint from Mr. Cox was read but no action was taken. An application from Mr. Cox for a Press Ticket was declined. The Secretary read letter from W. Smalley Colne F. C. & that he had replied. Also letter from McLaughlin & his wire in reply. Letter from Linfield confirming Septr. 1st at Goodison Park. Letter of thanks from Oswestry F. C. for fixture on 8th prox. at Oswestry for expenses. Also letter from Barnsley F. C. enquiring for Dixon's transfer which the Directors fixed at £10 Ten pounds. Letter from Kirkdale F. C. asking for patronage which was granted with donation of £2.2.0. Also letter from Derby County President re Sharp. Letter from Port Sunlight F. C. asking for a Feam for Sept. 3 which we could not send from Starfield asking for sole right to photo the teams he to supply 24 free copies which was granted. Transfer of James Fyles Bickerstaff to Thos. Bickerstaff Shares 9 Shares 1527-1535. James F. Bickerstaff to Rd. Jos. Quirk 1 Share 1536. W. H. & J. Calvert to Jos. F. Bickerstaff 15 Shares 1527-1541. Passed.