[Meeting of Directors held on Board "La Marguerite" August 10th 1904] Present G. Mahon Esq. (Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Kelly, Wade & Whitford. Public Resolved that we hold 2 Public practice Practice Games games on the 23rd & 27th inst. & that a charge of 1d be made for admission for the charities. The Secretary reported that it was proposed to have a practice game on Friday at 11 am. Opening Match The Secretary reported a request from the L'pool F.C. that we should alter our fixture with Linfield from the 1st to the 5th inst. as they feared that such match would interfere with their gate on that day. It was resolved that the Secretary write regretting our inability to accede to their request. McAdam The Secretary reported that this amateur desired an engagement as a professional at £2 per week & it was decided to defer the matter to see how he went on. F.A. Representation Resolved we re nominate Mr. J. J. Bentley as heretofore. The Secretary was instructed to wire Linfield to ascertain if they confirm Septr. 1. An application by the Municipal Officers Guild for reduced terms of admission was deferred to the next meeting. St. Lukes Rd. Resolved that the making of this road be deferred for the present. Band Resolved we have no music at matches. J. P. The Secretary read correspondence re Fixtures & that he had offered home & home games on Sep. 26 & Apl. 24 at Glasgow & L'pool respectively & that Q. P. could not take