[Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel July 15 1904] Present Geo. Mahon Esq. (Chair) Messrs Baxter, Clayton, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Wade & Wright. Dr. Whitford on club business. Scott & Mc Mr. Kirkwood reported engagement of Cartney Scott & McCartney for £600 with ½ gate here on Septr. 1st guarantee of expenses Scott £4 McCartney £3.5/- each £10 bonus & the engagements were confirmed. Whitley Resolved we offer Whitley for transfer at £400 the Chairman & Vice Chairman to have matter in hand. McLaughlin Resolved that Elliott go to Scotland to ascertain particulars as to transfer &c. Queens Park Resolved we offer Queens Park Sep. 26 at Goodison Park. Also that we play a team of L'pool & District League at Garston during first fortnight in September free of expense. Geo. Mahon