[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel July 8th 1904] Present G. Mahon Esq. (Chair) Messrs Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Wade, Whitford & Wright. Minutes of last two meetings were read and confirmed. Lost Note The Chairman reported that the Bank note lost in transit to Elliott had been paid into the North & South Wales Bank & that further enquiries were being made. Cox L'pool The Chairman having reported that the minimum amount L'pool would take for Cox was £500 & the free transfer of Murray it was decided to do nothing further. A letter from the Villa asking our idea of the gate we would probably take on Sep. 1 with their Reserve. The same was sent on to the Secretary to answer. McLaughlin The trainer was informed that we would Hamilton a/cs entertain the offer of this player if his transfer were reasonable. Scott & It being reported that these players were open McCartney to transfer Dr. Whitford & Mr. Kirkwood were deputed to go to Belfast with power to engage McCartney & Scott - & preferably Scott alone - at the following prices Viz. £500 for both £400 for Scott. Geo. Mahon