[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel June 29 1904.] Present Geo. Mahon Esq. (Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Baxter, Davies, Kirkwood, Wade, Whitford & Wright. Logan The Secretary read a letter from Thorburn saying that Logan (J P) had expressed a desire to play for us & he was instructed to reply to Thorburn that we would be glad of his services. Mr. Kirkwood & the Secretary to see to the matter. Cox Resolved the deputation be empowered to offer L'pool £400 for the transfer of Cox with discretionary powers. McCartney Resolved we secure this player if possible. The Secretary to write Linfield for price of his transfer. The Secretary was instructed to ask Villa Reserve to play here on Sep. 1 No match for 1st team on Septr. 1st Belfast Distillery having offered a guarantee of £35 for match at Belfast on Apl. 1 the Secretary was instructed to endeavour to obtain £50 guarantee. Loss of £10 The Secretary reported that a ten pound note Note had gone astray when in transit to Elliott in Scotland; that he had stopped payment at Bank & was writing P. O. thereon. Geo. Mahon